It’s not our job……..but it’s our job to show empathy

I had a conversation the other day that led me, emphatically, to realise why the ‘powers that be’ don’t understand what actually happens in general practice.

Like most practices, we’ve been inundated with patients not being able to get a COVID Passport. One patient in particular was having terrible problems not being able to get her passport; I’d dealt with her a couple of times and had tried to signpost her to the correct agencies. The day before her business trip, her COVID Passport still wasn’t sorted and in desperation she asked to speak to me again.

My hands were completely tied, of course, because general practice, as we all know, don’t issue COVID Passports. The patient was crying on the phone, unsure where to turn next. “Leave it with me,” I said. I made a few calls, sent a few emails and eventually got to speak to someone who dealt with the passport’s quality issues.

I explained the predicament our patient was in. I was quite astounded to be told, “Why are you getting involved? It’s not your job.” Of course, I knew this already! He said, “You should just give them the helpline, and that’s it.”….

READ MORE by clicking the link: It’s not our job