DWP advisor will be available at Extended Primary Care Service (EPCS)
A DWP advisor will be available at Extended Primary Care Service (EPCS), located in Tessa Jowell Health Centre *Fridays Only initially, starting on 18 August 2023*
DWP at the EPCS can offer help , advice and information in a more relaxed and friendly atmosphere on the following services:

- Awareness of DWP services and how to access them
- Help to make a claim for vulnerable claimants
- Access to work and retention services
- Support available for Claimants with health conditions / disabilities
- Support with writing CV via National Career Service
- Employability Skills/ Career Screening
- Work and health programme which is an organisation that support our claimant with their health and supporting them with jobs.
- Tailored 1-2-1 advice regarding work capability assessment/PIP.
- Signposting to stakeholders / providers / job-fairs which could lead to employment.
- Supporting with work experience / volunteering by signposting
- Working with colleges / providers to train/re-train
- Looking at barriers that could be the main factor of not taking little steps in moving forward.
- Complex needs advice and signposting to local / national organisations that offer holistic support.
Ask Receptionist Team to book an appointment for you.