Self Help & Signposting
South East London Area Prescribing Committee (SEL APC) self-care patient information leaflets have been made available to support patients manage short term illnesses and/or minor conditions through the recommendation of over the counter medicines in line with NHS SE London and NHS England guidance.
Self-care patient information leaflets are available for various short-term illnesses/minor conditions including:
- Coughs and colds – patient information – July 2018
- Fever in children – pateitn information – July 2018
- Hayfever – patient information – July 2018
- Hayfever poster – Autumn
- Hayfever poster – Summer
- Pain – patient information – July 2018
- Piles (haemorrhoids) – patient information – July 2018
- SEL Self-care Patient Information Leaflet – May 2022
- SEL Self-care Poster – May 2022
- Self care – FAQs for prescribers – April 2019
- Self care decision aid for healthcare professionals – April 2019
Social Prescribing
Our Social Prescribing Link Workers work with you to explore areas in your life you feel you need support. Over several sessions we help identify ‘what matters to you’ and develop a plan with you to support you to make positive life changes. We will connect you to activities, services, social groups, and advice in and around Southwark.
It is free and confidential. Available for anyone aged 18+ registered in Southwark GP Practices. Click Here
Southwark Wellbeing Hub
When you’re worried about your mental wellbeing, it can be hard to know where to start. Sometimes it can feel like there are too many options to choose from, at others, like there aren’t enough. It can be difficult to know exactly what kind of support you might need, where to find it, and how to go about accessing it.
Service providing information and support to anyone living in Southwark who is worried about their wellbeing, or that of someone close to them.
Finding the right support can seem complicated and overwhelming. Southwark Wellbeing Hub make the process simpler.
To find out more about the Southwark Wellbeing Hub, have a read about them and get in touch so that we can get to know you and see how we can help.
Department of Work and Pensions Advisor (DWP)
A DWP advisor will be available at Extended Primary Care Service (EPCS), located in Tessa Jowell Health Centre *Fridays Only initially, starting on 18 August 2023*
DWP at the EPCS can offer help , advice and information in a more relaxed and friendly atmosphere on the following services:

- Awareness of DWP services and how to access them
- Help to make a claim for vulnerable claimants
- Access to work and retention services
- Support available for Claimants with health conditions / disabilities
- Support with writing CV via National Career Service
- Employability Skills/ Career Screening
- Work and health programme which is an organisation that support our claimant with their health and supporting them with jobs.
- Tailored 1-2-1 advice regarding work capability assessment/PIP.
- Signposting to stakeholders / providers / job-fairs which could lead to employment.
- Supporting with work experience / volunteering by signposting
- Working with colleges / providers to train/re-train
- Looking at barriers that could be the main factor of not taking little steps in moving forward.
- Complex needs advice and signposting to local / national organisations that offer holistic support.
Ask Receptionist Team to book an appointment for you.
OLDER PEOPLE OVER 50 years old

Southwark S.A.I.L.™ (Safe and Independent Living) provide a quick and simple way to access a wide range of local services to support older people in maintaining their independence, safety and wellbeing.
Anyone can make a S.A.I.L. referral by simply answering the yes/no questions on the checklist below. Age UK Lewisham and Southwark, working in partnership with local S.A.I.L. agencies, will coordinate and monitor the response.
Musculoskeletal Services – Southwark MSK App
The Southwark MSK app (powered by getUBetter) is provided free of charge by Southwark ICS for patients registered in Southwark. It can be accessed on a Smartphone or on the Web and guides you day-by-day through a sequence of exercises and tips to help you get better from a range of new or recurrent musculoskeletal conditions:
- Lower back pain
- Back and leg pain
- Neck Pain
- Shoulder Pain
- Ankle Pain
- Knee Pain
- Soft Tissue Lower Limb Pain
- Hip Pain
You will be referred to the app by one of our GPs or Physio, or you can self-register. Use this link to connect: Southwark MSK
Easy Eye Care Pathway
Easy Eye Care Pathway for People with Learning Disabilities and Autistic People
A specialist care pathway has been commissioned in SEL to ensure people with learning disabilities and autistic people are able to access timely appropriate sight tests and eye care.
This pathway is called the “Easy Eye Care Pathway“.
- In Southeast London approximately 8,000 people have a learning disability and 17,000 have autism and face significant health inequalities, and often experience poorer access to healthcare, compared with the rest of the population.
- Adults with learning disabilities 10 x more likely to have a serious sight problem. Children with learning disabilities are 28 x more likely to have a serious sight problem.
- Autistic children and adults are also significantly more at risk.
Signposting Wellbeing Resources
Signposting Leaflet (Click on link to download)
Digital Leaflets – NHS screening digital information leaflets: short urls and QR codes
Please refer to the leaflet below, for various well being resources.
This information may change from time to time but we hope this guide will help to point you in the right direction to seek any support.
Citizens Advice: Service for People applying for Universal Credit
Citizens Advice Southwark has launched a new service called “Help to Claim” for those who need help to apply for Universal Credit in Southwark. Help will be tailored to the individual and will be available face-to-face, over the phone on freephone 0800 144 8 444, online through Citizens Advice Southwark’s:
Help to Claim enquiry form, by webchat and advice content.

Trans* friendly GPs:
P3 – LGBT* family network:
Stonewall Workplace Equality Index:
CliniQ [Dean Street]:
56 Dean Street
Health Charity: Spectra based at St Charles Centre [North Kensington]:

Mental Health Support Resources for the LGBTQ+ community – elop