Stop Smoking

Stopping smoking can be one of the most important health decisions you make!
We strongly advise you to quit smoking, it can lead to many health problems including cancer, heart disease, lung disease and strokes.
Please call Southwark Stop Smoking Freephone 08001696002 for advice on ways to quit smoking, local services and general tips or or CLICK HERE
For further information:
The NHS have produced “Smokefree”, a dedicated service to inform everyone of the dangers of smoking, the benefits to giving up and how they can help you kick the habit.
QUIT is the independent charity whose aim is to save lives by helping smokers to stop. Smokers wanting to QUIT should call 0800 00 22 00 or email for free, individual, same-day advice from trained counsellors
Stop Smoking Widget
This tool gives you daily messages, and keeps track of how much you’re saving and how many days it’s been since your last cigarette. Great motivators for staying smokefree.